Benjamin Laroche

Unfailing rigor,

Benjamin LAROCHE is constantly looking for quality gems in the Vineyard. By identifying them among passionate winegrowers who perfectly master their “plot”, he then isolates these nuggets which are then distributed under the seal of excellence: la Manufacture.

Always passionate about Burgundy, I decided at the age of 40, surrounded by personalities who share my values, to offer a range of wines that highlight this terroir with its unique climates but above all by paying tribute to manual, precise and rigorous work. winegrowers. La Manufacture was born.

Benjamin LAROCHE,

Originally from Chablis, his family has been farming this terroir since 1663 and created an estate considered since 1850 as one of the flagships of the appellation.

From working in the vineyards during his youth to the commercial management of several wine companies (Rhône, Languedoc, Burgundy), he traveled throughout France and the world and was able to identify the desires and needs of the most demanding amateurs.

Unfailing rigor,

Benjamin LAROCHE is constantly looking for quality gems in the Vineyard. By identifying them among passionate winegrowers who perfectly master their “plot”, he then isolates these nuggets which are then distributed under the seal of excellence: la Manufacture.



Chablis has a very particular and almost unique sedimentary basin in the world with a geological layer dating from the Upper Jurassic called Kimmeridgian. It is from this subsoil that Chablis wines draw their purity and a minerality that has made their reputation throughout the world.

The climate

A continental climatology with often very hot summers and cold winters. Ideal for growing vines, the vines rest in winter for the start of flowering in June and a harvest from mid-September. The region is, however, very prone to spring frosts which can damage too early buds in mild winters.


A terroir where the Chardonnay grape variety is king. Rolling hillsides with varied exposures which give life to 42 Climats which all have their personalities. Chablis also has four levels of appellations from Petit Chablis to Grands Crus where each appellation expresses its own character.

Check out our wines


Burgundy enjoys an exceptional geographical location. But it has many other advantages! Weather favorable to vines, rich geology, renowned grape varieties, its remarkable climates allow it to give birth to 100 globally recognized appellations. Without forgetting the know-how of the winegrowers, which is passed down from generation to generation, while integrating the most recent progress.

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